Task Briber

Increase your productivity, get shit done, and reward yourself.

If you struggle with procrastination every day, even the small tasks - this Task Briber is for you!

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What’s Task Briber?


Task Briber is the ultimate to-do list. It will decrease your procrastination, get you to focus on your tasks, and reward you for anything you complete (big or small!)

With Task Briber you can break down each task by rating its level of difficulty (1-5) and the time it will take to complete (in minutes). Based on these numbers, the Task Briber will calculate your monetary reward (the higher the difficulty and time, the bigger your reward).

And at the end of every month, the total 'pool' of money can go towards treating yourself, whether that's buying something you’ve been eyeing, or taking yourself out to a nice dinner (guilt-free, you’ve earned it!)

Main features:

  • Easy-to-use interface

  • Input your task, rate your difficulty, fill out the time it takes to complete, and it will calculate a monetary reward based on that

  • It will calculate the total pool of money you’ve earned in the month

  • Easy to copy and paste, and edit as you please

Section 1: Monthly Task Briber List

Month to month, fill in your tasks, their difficulty, and the time it takes to complete. Every task will have a monetary reward which will add up as you complete tasks.


Section 2: Habit List

This is a list of recurring tasks or habits you can easily copy and paste into your main to-do list, to save yourself typing it again every time.


Section 3: How To Use This Sheet

A comprehensive guide to using this sheet!

STEP 1 Fill in your details

  • Date Created: Double click cell to add date

  • Task: Type in your description of the task

  • Difficulty: Type in (1 being easy, 5 being the most difficult)

  • Time (Mins): Type in estimated time in minutes that it takes to complete task

  • Date Due: Add date the task is due

  • Date Completed: Add date when you completed the task

STEP 2 Once task is completed, Select 'Yes' under Completed

STEP 3 The money made from completing task will be added to your total pool (Green text)

STEP 4 At the end of every month, you can use the pool of money you 'made' and spend it guilty free towards anything you'd like! I recommend adding new tasks to the top so they have the most visibility. You can sort completed and uncompleted tasks by clicking the down arrow on the G column cell and selecting 'Sort Sheet Z to A'.


Task Briber FAQs


How do I make a copy of my own?

Go to File > Make a Copy. You need a Google account to save this to your own Drive.

Is this real money I'm earning? Who's paying me?

Technically, you're paying yourself. It's a reward system - the more tasks you do, the bigger your pool of money is. You can spend this money any way you'd like. It's a nice way to treat yourself, and feel justified doing so!

How is this different from other to do lists?

This Task Briber not only rewards you for doing tasks, but also encourages you to break down the tasks by objectively measuring them by difficulty AND the time it takes to complete the tasks. For example, some emails feel daunting to write, but if you consider how difficult it is write to physically (probably a 1) and how long it takes (up to 5 minutes max, typically 2-3 minutes usually), it shifts your focus into something a bit more tangible. If it is difficult, increasing the difficulty rating means a higher reward for finishing the task!

At the end of every task you will see a measurement of how much 'money you made', which acts like a point system. Some tasks are more difficult than others, and having the pool of money is a good reflection of the effort you've put into a task. Month to month, you can compare how well you've done too!

Can I change the formula so I can earn/more less money?

Yes! The formula I've used is =sum(DIFFICULTY*TIME(HRS)*2.5), with "2.5" being the number I chose to calculate my reward. You can increase/decrease the number as you see fit. Just change the number in the formula in column F ("Reward ($)" ) and copy that formula across other rows.

How do I make a new row?

  1. Select the entire row, right click and select 'Insert 1 row above'

  2. Then copy and paste the formatting from a previous row to your new row* I recommend having a couple unfilled rows always there (with format/formulas set up) so it's easy to copy over

Why is there a tab called 'Habit List'?

This is a list of recurring tasks or habits you can easily copy and paste, to save yourself typing it again every time.

Do I have to make a new tab for every month?

There are no rules, you can have one tab for the entire year if you'd like! I like to separate tasks by month so I can easily compare the pool of money month to month.

How do I change the currency and date format?

  1. Select the cells you want to update

  2. Select from Menu: Format > Number > Choose the format you'd like.

  3. If it's not there select "Custom Currency" "Custom date and time" at the bottom instead

Thanks so much! How can I donate to you!?!

If you found this resource helpful you can buy me a ko-fi at ko-fi.com/debbbag so I can continue making content for everyone in my free time :)


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